I'm angry
As a writer, I find it therapuetic to write about my feelings. I'm sitting here right now trying to find some constructive way to deal with my anger and outrage over my dad's latest stunt. I don't deal with anger well. I usually avoid it like the plague, but sometimes like now it's simply unavoidable. It's not just anger over this latest event, it's anger over the last year of lies that I have suppressed. True, I have forgiven him for the horrible things of the past, but when it's "one more thing" it all comes back. I again find myself asking how do I deal with the hurt & anger I feel towards my dad without letting it become a foot hold for satan? How do I deal with it so it can finally be buried never to resurface? This man I have called my dad for 30 years, has hurt me, lied to me, used me and abused my kindness. Do you know he even married his mistress on my anniversary in the same chapel I got married in? Who does that? He told me he wanted to get back in church & he wanted me to help save his new wife, only to turn around & spew out more lies that hurt me, my sister, & my mother. He knew I was concerned for his soul & he used that to manipulate me. Who does that to their own child? He has given up a relationship with me & my kids completely. After 30 years I feel abandoned and it doesn't feel good. To look at this man & to see only a person that I want nothing to do with hurts. To look at this man & see what evil desires has done to him hurts. I guess I'm mostly angry because he chose to be a bad person when he once was good. He once was a good person, but he has decided to be one of the bad guys instead. I'm angry that he decided to be this way. I'm angry that he turned from God. I'm angry that he doesn't care about me, his own daughter. I'm angry that when he left my mom, he left me too and took up with a new wife and her kids. I'm angry that he is spending time with her grandkids and wants nothing to do with mine. Maybe I'm angry because I just don't understand what could possibly make a person turn from good and give up so, so much for so very little. I can't say that I ever want to understand, though. I'm angry that evil gets away with so much in this world. I really have to remind myself that it's the mercy that allows my forgiveness that allows the world to keep spinning. I can't cry it's not fair because life on this earth is never fair. Satan's rules were meant to destroy not to play nicely. Do I want my dad to be saved & forgiven? Yes. So I can't beg God for fire from heaven. So I'm left asking, what exactly do I do? How do I handle this anger in a constructive manner? How do I deal with this cup of bitterness to avoid drinking it myself? Any Christian who's dealt with the effects of evil probably know exactly what I'm talking about. What I'd like to ask is what solution have you found? What have you found that helps you deal with anger and hurt over evil?