Foster Care Reflections: The Village People

I am part of a village. This village is a vital piece of what makes life doable....and crazy. It's a mash-up of people who would not normally be in any kind of relationship together.
Economic status is no barrier. 
Social status does not stop us. 
Having nothing in common is simply where we start. 
We build our bridges to each other based off of 1) love for the children caught in the middle and 2) love for the family that we want to see restored.
We are the village formed in the fires of foster care. We live and love through tears and heartbreak. We ride the waves of emotion together. We fight together, we grow together, we celebrate together. 
We are a village. 

“As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good…” Gen 50:20

None of us began life intending to be a part of this particular kind of village. Yet, our village is strong. Our village is resilient. Our village is one that is not easily broken by superficial topics of the day. 
I love being a part of this village. In a time when there seems to be nothing but division that tears us apart, our village is about building each other up. Our village is about crossing lines to make families stronger and generations healthier. Our village is about doing life together. I see so much pain and hatred and fear outside that it can make anyone question humanity, but then I see all of us inside this village and I see hope. It's not on Facebook or Instagram, it's real. It doesn't make the news, but it's life-changing. Even when some people move to the outskirts of the village because they want to try out a little more independence, they never completely leave the safety of the village. We will never forget the bonds God welded together.
We in the system live in a world that is not like normal families. We parent in a way that is not traditional. We deal with issues far from the typical. There is no handbook or manual. Stepping into foster care is like being blindfolded, spun around 50 times, let loose in a dark forest, and told to find our way to safety. It makes your head spin and you get nauseous quite a bit ;) Our village provides the guides and the knowledge of others who have been through the forest before; those who have walked the path and found the pitfalls. The same is true for the birth families who are suddenly whisked into a world of chaos and impossibilities. They are up against deadlines with little to no resources and support. They also need those who can come alongside them and help carry the load-walk that second mile.
We need each other and I'm so glad that we do. I may not have chosen this village in the beginning, but I would not choose a different one now. This is my village and these are my people.


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