Daily Devo: Get Unstuck By Getting Alone With God

When we talk about the things we need to get ourselves unstuck we like to talk about "steps" and anything that involves actual action because we are a busy people that like to keep moving. That's kind of the problem, though. If there is one thing we all need to get unstuck from the muck, it's to be alone and be still with God.
I had the chance to sneak away in the late evening this weekend and have a mom date with a really good friend. We enjoyed our time just talking so much that we stayed long after the restaurant closed and even continued talking in the parking lot. We talked for something like 5 hours. It was a good reminder to me of how much I need that exact kind of time with God. As I drove home late that night, I felt both the conviction and the aching inside that missed my late night conversations I used to have with Him like that. I have become so busy and consumed with my chaos that I have forgotten to remove myself for time alone with Him.
But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed. Luke 5:16 
They went to a place called Gethsemane, and Jesus said to his disciples, “Sit here while I pray.” Mark 14:32
 One of those days Jesus went out to a mountainside to pray, and spent the night praying to God. Luke 6:12
I'm reminded of just how often Christ went off to be alone and pray. In the middle of His ministry, with a very short time at hand, He often removed Himself and spent time alone. For us, that seems like crazy talk. For moms, that seems like an impossibility, even irresponsibility! We have these gigantic lists of expectations and to-dos that can only be accomplished if our days are a week long so there is no way we can possibly fit in "alone time" or being still. But perhaps that's the reason we are stuck in the first place. The first disciples made the same mistake when they tried to tackle it all on their own right out the gate.
After Jesus had gone indoors, his disciples asked him privately, “Why couldn’t we drive it out?” He replied, “This kind can come out only by prayer. Mark 9:28-29
 We were never meant to do this alone. God did not drop these children in our laps and say "see ya when I see ya!" We aren't glorified babysitters. We aren't doing this alone, either. God has provided for us in every way, every day. Whether you are married or not. Whether your parents are around you as support or not. You have support, I am willing to bet, and that isn't by accident. We cannot do this alone and God never designed us to. He also never designed us to do this without HIM! Somewhere along the way, though, we decided we should. That's when everything went wrong, I guarantee it. It's time you stepped back, momma. It's time you not only took a good deep breath, but it's time you spent some time alone in prayer with the ONE who loves you and your children more than anyone else in the entire world. It's time you went to the source of comfort, peace, and strength. If the Son of God who was here to save the entire human race could make time in His daily schedule to spend time alone in prayer, I promise you've got time. It's time to get unstuck.


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