I'm saddened, I'm frustrated, I'm sorrowful, I'm confused, and I'm nearly speechless over the disunity of the Church today. We are supposed to be One body composed of many members, but instead we are many bodies composed of many members. What has happened to us? It's like we've gone through a divorce and instead of Christ being the head of the Church He has become the child we are fighting a custody battle over arguing about who deserves Him more. I want to sit us all down for one big counseling session and find out exactly what these "irreconcilable differences" are and when we became so petty? I know the early churches had many of the same issues with small differences that tore some of them apart, but here in America I feel we are facing grave persecution...not from the government but from ourselves. It's not the government that threatens to destroy us, it is our own selfishness, our own pettiness, and, I'm afraid, our forgetfulness of what our "goal" truly is and always has been. This is not about whose church building has the most members or who thinks we should use websites or not or who thinks one song book is better than the other...for goodness sakes, the kingdom of heaven is at hand! People's souls are dying! Satan is eating souls faster than all human diseases and world hunger combined and we're more concerned with if we should or shouldn't use video screens!!!! I want to scream the word insanity, but then people would just think me insane!
Why are we bickering? Why are we fighting amongst ourselves? Why are we stealing joy from each other instead of freely giving love and edification? Have we grown so hard, so blinded by the things of this world that we can't even get along with fellow believers? How can we ever expect to share peace when we can't feel it with each other? We talk about how we are so afraid of how the schools are kicking God out, but what we don't realize is that when we have envy, strife, jealousy, anger, bitterness, and fighting...we're kicking Him out of our worship services as well. I can't explain the pain I feel of the disunity. I know I'm guilty of the same. I struggle with it. I pray earnestly for God to forgive me for judging others unfairly and to help me love as He loved. I wish I had a magic answer. I wish God would say the word and every Christian heart would be opened to each other and love each other and would begin working together against satan instead of against each other. But God gave us His Word and in His Word He speaks about unity and about being like-minded and loving each other and standing together. If we can't obey His Word...then how can we expect to win the spiritual wars we try to fight...